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Confidentiality Policy


Version 1: 24th June 2023


1. Introduction

At Katy Pryde Counselling and Life Coaching practice, we are committed to maintaining our clients' highest level of confidentiality and privacy. This Confidentiality Policy outlines our commitment to safeguarding the personal information and sensitive details shared by our clients during counselling and life coaching sessions.


2. Scope

This policy applies to all employees, contractors, and associates of Katy Pryde Counselling and Life Coaching, as well as any third parties who may have access to client information in the course of providing services.


3. Confidentiality Commitment


3.1. Client Information

We will maintain strict confidentiality regarding all client information shared during counselling and life coaching sessions. This includes but is not limited to personal histories, thoughts, feelings, and any other sensitive information disclosed by clients.


3.2. Limits of Confidentiality

While we uphold the principle of confidentiality, legal and ethical exceptions may require us to disclose information without client consent. These exceptions include:

- Suspected child abuse or neglect.

- Threats of harm to self or others.

- Court-ordered disclosure.

- If you disclose information about a crime or threat of harm to yourself or others.

In such cases, we will make every effort to inform the client of our need to disclose information unless doing so could endanger the client or others.


4. Employee and Contractor Training

All employees, contractors, and associates of Katy Pryde Counselling and Life Coaching will receive comprehensive training in maintaining client confidentiality and adhering to ethical standards. This training will include an understanding of the limits of confidentiality as outlined in this policy.


5. Client Consent

Before commencing counselling or life coaching services, clients will be provided with information about our confidentiality policy, including the limits of confidentiality. Clients will be asked to provide written consent to acknowledge their understanding and acceptance of this policy.


6. Data Security

We are committed to safeguarding client information and maintaining its integrity. All client records and documentation will be securely stored in compliance with relevant data protection regulations.


7. Third Parties

Any third parties who have access to client information in the course of providing services (e.g., IT support, billing services) will be required to sign confidentiality agreements to protect client data.


8. Breach Notification

In the event of a data breach that compromises client confidentiality, [Your Counseling and Life Coaching Business Name] will promptly notify affected clients and take all necessary actions to mitigate the breach and prevent further unauthorised access.


9. Review and Updates

This Confidentiality Policy will be regularly reviewed and updated to ensure it remains in compliance with applicable laws and industry best practices. Any changes to the policy will be communicated to clients.


10. Contact Information

For any questions or concerns regarding this Confidentiality Policy, please contact:


Katy Pryde

0481 842 299



Please note that this policy may be updated periodically to reflect changes in Australian legal requirements and our internal practices.


I look forward to supporting you through your journey.



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