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Terms & Conditions


Version 1: 10/10/2023


Katy Pryde Counselling & Life Coaching (ABN: 66416628017)


Introduction & Definitions:

Welcome to Katy Pryde Counselling & Life Coaching. By engaging with my services, you accept the terms outlined in this contract.


  • Boundaries: Professional limits established between client and therapist.

  • Confidentiality: The assurance that all shared information remains private.

  • Contract: An agreement detailing the terms of our professional relationship.

  • Disclosure: Providing specific details or information.

  • Supervision: A professional service wherein therapists discuss their work with a supervisor.

  • Transference & Counter-transference: Psychological phenomena where feelings are redirected or transferred.


Scope of Services:

I offer counselling and life coaching services for individuals, couples, families, and groups. Additionally, I provide parental coaching. As an integrative therapist, my techniques and methodologies include but are not limited to, person-centred, solution-focused, Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT), and Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction (MBSR). I am a qualified counsellor and coach but not a psychologist.


Session Details:

My counselling and life coaching sessions last for 60 minutes and can be booked online. I offer multiple modes of counselling and life coaching services, such as in-person and online. Additionally, I offer a mobile service for parental coaching and services for NDIS clients. You can book, reschedule, or cancel appointments through the website or by contacting me via email. For cancellations, you may also text or call me.


Fees and Payment:

Please note that my fees are subject to change and you can find detailed information about them on the website. See Booking Policy for further details.


Confidentiality and Its Limits:

  • Commitment to Confidentiality: 

At Katy Pryde Counselling & Life Coaching, I regard the trust placed in my services as paramount. As such, all discussions, records, and professional notations regarding our interactions are treated as confidential.

  • Scope of Confidentiality: 

Information will not be disclosed to any third party without your written consent unless mandated by law. All our employees and associates, where relevant, are bound by the same confidentiality rules and ethics.

  • Limits to Confidentiality: 

While I aim to protect your information, there are certain circumstances under Australian law where confidentiality can or must be breached:

  1. Mandated Reporting: If there is a suspicion of harm or abuse to a child, elderly person, or vulnerable adult, we are legally obliged to report this to the relevant authorities.

  2. Risk of Harm: If there's an immediate threat to you or another person's safety, the necessary information may be disclosed to prevent harm.

  3. Court Orders: I may be compelled to release information if ordered by a court or if subpoenaed.

  4. Professional Supervision: As part of my ongoing professional development requirements set out by PACFA & ICF and adherence to quality standards, some cases might be discussed in professional supervision. In these cases, identifying details will be omitted to maintain your privacy.

  5. Emergencies: In certain emergency scenarios where information is crucial for your safety or the safety of others, a breach might be necessary.

NB: By engaging with our services, you acknowledge and understand these limits to confidentiality.


Records and Data Protection:

Client records are safely encrypted and will be kept for a period of seven years after the last contact or until a minor client reaches the age of 25. In order to access the notes, a written request is required. Clients are not authorised to destroy notes. However, when the records are due for destruction, the process will be carried out in a secure manner.


Professional Boundaries:


  • To ensure a professional therapeutic relationship the following boundaries are necessary and have been created using the guidelines set out by PACFA:

  1. Dual Relationships: As a counsellor, I cannot have dual relationships with my clients to maintain a professional relationship without any bias or conflict of interest.

  2. Social Interactions: Therapeutic integrity is maintained by avoiding socialising with clients outside of therapy session.

  3. Gifts: The exchange of gifts, whether from myself to the client or vice versa, is discouraged. Small tokens of appreciation may be considered on a case-by-case basis, but larger or personal gifts are deemed inappropriate.

  4. Physical Contact: Physical contact should be limited, discussed, and consented to. Any touch should be therapeutically appropriate, and practices like hugging should be approached with caution and client comfort in mind.

  5. Financial Transactions: Outside of standard therapy fees, additional financial transactions between myself and the client are not permitted. This includes loans, investments, or business ventures.

  6. Friendships: As a counsellor, I understand the importance of maintaining a clear therapeutic boundary. Therefore, I avoid forming personal friendships with active clients and discourage myself from doing so for a significant period post-therapy.

  7. Family and Friend Involvement: Counsellors are advised against treating close friends or family members to ensure objectivity and maintain professional integrity.

  8. Digital and Online Interactions: Counsellors should not engage with clients on personal social media platforms. Professional or business accounts may be used for informational purposes but should avoid personal interactions.

  9. Communication Outside Sessions: While necessary logistical communication is allowed, personal or therapeutic discussions should be reserved for sessions. Guidelines on contacting counsellors outside session times will be provided to clients.

  10. Self-Disclosure: Counsellors are trained to limit self-disclosure. Any sharing of personal experiences or details outside the therapeutic context should have a clear therapeutic intent.


Life Coaching and Parental Coaching

  • Coaching, like counselling, places a strong emphasis on maintaining professional boundaries to safeguard the integrity of the coach-client relationship. While the boundaries in coaching might be slightly different than those in counselling, due to the often more practical and goal-oriented nature of coaching, the fundamental principles remain similar. At Katy Pryde Counselling and Life Coaching, we adhere to the following boundary policy:

  1. Dual Relationships: avoid entering into dual relationships with clients where they might play multiple roles, such as being both a coach and a business partner. Such relationships can introduce bias and compromise the coaching process.

  2. Personal Relationships: avoid forming personal relationships, such as friendships or romantic relationships, with active clients. This ensures the relationship remains professional and centred on the client's growth and goals.

  3. Financial Boundaries: Outside of the agreed-upon fees for coaching services, engaging in other financial transactions or business ventures with a client is not acceptable.

  4. Physical Boundaries: Physical contact, even if well-intentioned (like a handshake or pat on the back), should always be approached with sensitivity. Coaches should gauge the comfort level of the client and discuss any touch beforehand.

  5. Confidentiality: Although coaching doesn't have the same strict confidentiality guidelines as therapy, we follow the same confidentiality protocols as we have in place for counselling clients.

  6. Self-Disclosure: While life coaching might sometimes involve sharing personal anecdotes to motivate or relate to the client, coaches will limit self-disclosure and ensure it's always in the client's best interest.

  7. Gifts: It's advisable to avoid giving gifts as it could create a conflict of interest and blur professional boundaries.

  8. Online and Social Media Interactions: interactions with clients via social media are limited to professional or business accounts.

  9. Referrals: Clients who require assistance beyond coaching will be referred to appropriate professionals.

  10. Continued Professional Development: We will maintain our professional coaching knowledge and skills through professional development, ensuring I provide the best service to their clients.

  11. Transparency: I operate my coaching service with a policy of transparency to build a trusted relationship with my clients. I will clearly communicate my qualifications, provide a detailed explanation of my coaching methods, and work within the limits of my expertise. My goal is to prioritise your well-being, growth, and goals by regularly reviewing and training in professional boundaries.


Liability and Disclaimers:

My services aren't replacements for legal, financial, or medical advice. I am covered by the Healthcare Professionals Civil Liability Insurance Policy Number PACFA-0137907.


Complaints and Grievances:

Address grievances with a written explanation to Katy Pryde at



Clients may terminate anytime, but booked sessions incur a loss of the booking fee. For safety concerns, I may terminate early, refunding booking fees for unfulfilled appointments.


Applicable Law and Jurisdiction:

My business is registered in Queensland, Australia, and any disputes will be settled under Queensland law.


Updates and Changes:

Clients will be notified of changes via email. Updates may occur yearly.



Clients must acknowledge these terms, either electronically or through a signed contract before services commence.


Contact Information:

For questions or concerns regarding these terms, please contact Katy Pryde via email at or via phone 0481 842 299

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