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Coaching & ADHD

Image by Aleksandra Boguslawska
Image by My Profit Tutor
Image by Jon Tyson


Coaching can be extremely beneficial for people with ADHD. Here are several ways how:


  • Managing Stress:

    • Coaches can provide strategies for managing stress and anxiety, which often accompany ADHD. These strategies can include mindfulness techniques, breathing exercises, and lifestyle modifications.


  • Structure and Routine:

    • Coaching helps people with ADHD by providing a structured framework that can help manage their symptoms. This may include developing routines and habits that can help them become more organised and efficient in their family life.


  • Goal Setting and Achievement:

    • Coaches work with individuals to set realistic and achievable goals, breaking them down into manageable tasks. This can help individuals with ADHD focus their attention and efforts effectively, which can be a challenge given their condition.


  • Time Management Skills:

    • Coaches can teach effective time management strategies, which are often a struggle for parents with ADHD. This can include tools and techniques to prioritise tasks, avoid procrastination, and stay on track with the many needs of a family.


  • Accountability:

    • Regular check-ins with a coach can provide a valuable source of accountability, encouraging individuals with ADHD to follow through on tasks and goals.


  • Improve Self-esteem:

    • By setting and achieving goals and by overcoming obstacles, individuals with ADHD can experience increased self-esteem and self-confidence.​​


  • Enhance Social Skills:

    • Some individuals with ADHD may struggle with social interactions. Coaches can help enhance communication and social skills, improving relationships both personally and professionally.


  • Focus and Concentration:

    • Coaching can also involve techniques and exercises to improve focus and concentration, core challenges for those with ADHD.


  • Self-awareness:

    • A coach can help individuals with ADHD become more aware of their symptoms and how they impact their lives. This increased self-awareness can lead to better self-management and coping strategies.



Everyone's experience with ADHD is unique, and parents may benefit from different coaching strategies. Therefore, a personalised approach that considers individual strengths, weaknesses, and personal circumstances is most beneficial.





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