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Image by J W
Image by Jerome
Image by christopher lemercier

My speciality:


As a therapist with ADHD I have lived experience with the challenges caused by ADHD. This puts me in a uniques position for those who also have ADHD and want a counsellor who understands their struggles.


Individuals may seek out counselling because they experience;


  • Poor focus and attention

  • Impulsivity and emotional regulation

  • Organisation and time management

  • Motivation and procrastination

  • Anxiety and depression

  • Low self-esteem and self-doubt

  • Relationship difficulties


They may also want support to improve their personal growth and empowerment through:


  • Understanding ADHD

  • Developing coping mechanisms

  • Improving communication skills

  • Building a support network


Helping others:


I am also available to support anyone who is experiencing:

  • Grief and loss

  • Relationship issues

  • Career challenges

  • Family conflicts

  • Trauma

  • Mental health decline

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Poor self-worth

This is an example of areas that are helped through counselling. If you are struggling with any area of your life, reach out and we can start with a chat.​

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